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City Council Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 08/27/2019  

As directed by Council during the 2015 Mid-Budget Retreat, staff developed a philosophy and policy statements as it related to the classification and compensation study which was completed in 2015. This philosophy was approved by Council via resolution 15-R-51 on June 23, 2015.

The compensation philosophy serves to formally document the City’s guiding principles on how it will pay employees and creates a framework for consistency when attracting, retaining and motivating employees. Additionally, the philosophy is designed to support the City’s strategic plan and initiatives by clearing outlining total compensation strategies. More specifically, the philosophy defines how the City plans to pay and reward competitively, based on need, competition and ability to pay. 

The compensation philosophy should be reviewed periodically to ensure that the City’s compensation strategies and priorities continue to align with the strategic vision and mission of the organization. Staff has reviewed the philosophy, with opportunity for input by all departments, and believes that the tenets and principles are still relevant and appropriate.

The City’s second comprehensive classification and compensation study will be completed in 2019, and staff is seeking reaffirmation from Council that the compensation philosophy, as adopted in 2015, should be used as the basis for the study, and any subsequent recommendations that may result from the study.
Formally document the City’s guiding principles on how it will pay employees and creates a framework for consistency when attracting, retaining and motivating employees.
Having a well-defined compensation philosophy promotes transparency about pay and will help the City to recruit and retain workforce talent necessary to successfully execute the City's strategic plan and initiatives.
Approval of Resolution 19-R-107
Approval of Resolution 19-R-107
Resolution 15-R-51
Resolution 19-R-107

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