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City Council Regular Meeting
Meeting Date: 06/28/2022  

  • Juan A. Vidalez, Jr., 7636 FM 482: Parcel ID 401272
  • Bryan Moczygemba, 7608 F 482:  Parcel ID 401273
  • Mary Helen Esquivel, 7576 FM 482: Parcel ID 75237
  • Joanna C. Francois, 7590 F 482: Parcel ID 75375
  • Gary and Carol Cusick, 7570 FM 482: Parcel ID 75246

Thirteen (13) public hearing notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners on May 13, 2022, with a public hearing to be published in the "San Antonio Express" on June 8, 2022 prior to the City Council public hearing.  At the time of the staff report staff has received 2 responses in favor of the proposed zone change. 
The goal is to rezone approximately 22 acres of land from Agricultural District (AD) and Manufacturing Light District (M-1) to Apartment/Multi-Family Residential District (R-4).
The community benefit is to promote safe, orderly, efficient development and bring about the City's vision of future growth. 
The subject property is currently identified as Agricultural Conservation per the Sector Plan for North Schertz.  The Agricultural Conservation land use designation is described to preserve the rural/agricultural area, to have a minimum lot size of 5 acres, and maintain a 70% open space.  The applicant has requested a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment in order to allow the Multi-Family Residential land use designation for the subject properties.  The subject properties currently have the zoning designation of Agricultural District (AD) and Manufacturing Light District (M-1), which the applicant is requesting to rezone the approximately 22 acres of land to Apartment/Multi-Family Residential District (R-4).  There has been growth and interest for the areas between FM 2252 and Schwab Road to have smaller light industrial/commercial businesses, as well as a planned elementary school and existing middle school, which would create a need to have housing in this area.  Also, the proposed rezoning of the subject tracts would act as a buffer to the existing large acre residential tracts from the current uses that surround this property, light industrial/commercial businesses and schools.  
  • Impact of Infrastructure: In order to service this property the developer would be obligated to extend and design sanitary services as these parcels are not serviced by public sanitary sewer.  Additionally, water capacity would need to be evaluated as these properties are within Green Valley SUD service area.  Improvements to existing and planned public roadways will be identified through the Traffic Impact Analysis Study during the platting process.
  • Impact of Public Facilities/Services: The proposed zone change would have minimal impact on the public services, such as schools, fire, police and parks.
  • Compatibility with Existing and Potential Adjacent Land Uses: The subject property is surrounded by several large acre residential properties, commercial/industrial businesses, and a planned elementary school and existing middle school.  Based on the existing uses of the surrounding properties the proposed rezone would act as a buffer for the large acre residential tracts and the light industrial/commercial businesses and the schools. 
The property has the land use designation under the Sector Plan for North Schertz as Agricultural Conservation.  The applicant requested a zone change for the approximately 22 acres of land to Apartment/Multi-Family Residential District (R-4).  The applicant also requested, for the approximately 22 acres of land, through a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment to change the land use designation to Multi-Family Residential District.  The zone change and land use designation change would still leave a vast amount of large acre residential tracts as well as Agricultural Conservation land use designation for Northern Schertz.  This proposed rezoning would be a less intense use for the area given that a majority of the properties are zoned Manufacturing Light (M-1) and would act as a buffer to the existing large acre residential lots from the light industrial/commercial uses and schools.

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on May 25, 2022, and offered a recommendation of approval with a 5-0 vote.  Staff supports the Commissions recommendation and recommends approval of the proposed rezoning from Agricultural District (AD) and Manufacturing Light (M-1) to Apartment/Multi-Family Residential District (R-4). 
Ord. No. 22-S-26
Aerial Map
Public Hearing Notice Map
Zoning Exhibit
Public Hearing Notice Responses

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