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Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Date: 10/12/2022  
Submitted By: Emily Delgado, Planning Manager

Owner: 2020 FI Graytown LLC
Engineer / Applicant: Pape-Dawson, Brooke Lindholm
Date:  Application Submittal Type:
September 26, 2022 Final Plat
The applicant is requesting to preliminary plat approximately 23 acres of land in order to establish 47 single-family residential lots.  The property was zoned as Planned Development District (PDD) on November 10, 2020, specifically as the Graytown Subdivision, Ord. #20-S-33. The property will be comprised of two (2) minimum size lots as illustrated in the table below:
Classification Min. Area Min. Width Min. Depth
SF80 10,400 80' 130'
SF100 13,000 100' 130'

The overall Graytown Subdivision will be providing approximately 85 acres of open space. Graytown Unit 1A will be providing 4.5 acres of open space with the plat.
The subject property is located 550 feet southwest of the intersection of Graytown Road and Boenig Road.  
The proposed Graytown Unit 1A will have two points of access.  The first point of access will from Albury Park to Graytown Road and the second point will be from HaightCross to Boenig Road. 
The applicant will be responsible for complying with Unified Development Code (UDC), Section 21.9.9 Tree Preservation and Mitigation.  They have submitted a signed tree affidavit indicating that theywill not be removing any Protected and Heritage class trees.
This unit will be serviced by the City of Schertz for water, San Antonio River Authority (SARA) for sewer, CPS, AT&T, and Spectrum.  
All public improvements required for this subdivision are required to be installed prior to recording of the final plat per UDC, Section 21.4.15., unless otherwise specified in an approved development agreement. 

Water: This unit will be serviced by the City of Schertz through an 8inch water line that will stub for future development.

Sewer: The unit will be provided sewer service by City of Schertz and it will be treated by SARA and will stub for future development.

Drainage: The applicant is responsible for all drainage associated with the subject property, and for compliance with Stormwater regulations.  A Stormwater Management Plan has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.

Sidewalks, Hike and Bike Trails: 
The developer of the proposed Graytown Unit 1A has requested a waiver concerning sidewalk requirements contained in the Unified Development Code (UDC).  A summary of the waivers and Staff recommendations for each are as follows:
  • Section 21.14.1.K states that right-of-way dedication for any additional right-of-way shall meet the street width required where proposed subdivision abuts upon an existing street. Graytown Units 1A and 2 are located along the northbound lane of Boenig Drive, a local residential street with a desired right-of-way width of 50 feet. Graytown Unit 1A and 2 are dedicating the required right-of-way for Boenig Drive’s desired right-of-way width. However, the properties along the southbound lane of Boenig Drive are located in the City of San Antonio.
  • Section 21.14.1.P of the UDC requires local residential streets to be constructed with 5 feet width sidewalks on both sides of the local street. Based on neighboring properties outside of the City of Schertz’s jurisdiction, placement of sidewalks along the southbound lane of Boenig Drive was not required. Therefore, in lieu of constructing sidewalks on only one side of Boenig from Haightcross to Scenic Lake Drive, Graytown Unit 1A proposes construction of sidewalks on both sides of Boenig from the intersection of Graytown Road 1,300 linear feet south to Haightcross.
Based on the completeness of the proposed roadway section at the intersection of Graytown Road, Staff has determined that the request to not construct a portion of sidewalks within Units 1A and 2 is reasonable and consistent with the complete streets goal. 

Therefore, Staff supports the applicant’s request to not comply at the time of platting with the UDC requirements to construct a portion of sidewalks to the proposed subdivision.
Road Improvements: The Graytown Unit 1A Subdivision touches Graytown Road, which per the Master Thoroughfare Plan is considered a Secondary Rural Arterial, (90" ROW).  The unit also touches Boenig Drive, which is considered a local street.  The unit as a whole will be dedicating 0.279 acres of land for right-of-way.  For the portion of the Boenig Drive adjacent to Unit 1A, the proposed subdivision will be improving from Graytown Road to Haight Cross as a full local street section including curb and gutter and sidewalks. For the portion of Boenig Drive from Haight Cross to the terminus of Unit 1A, the proposed subdivision will be completing a street widening with curb and gutter and have requested a waiver to not construct the sidewalk. 
The final plat is consistent with the applicable requirements set forth in the PDD, UDC requirements and regulations.  The final plat has been reviewed with no objections by the Fire, Engineering, Planning, and Public Works Departments.  
As part of the preliminary plat approval, the applicant has requested a waiver to not construct sidewalks from Haight Cross to the terminus of Unit 1A and rather provide a full street widening for Boenig Drive with sidewalks from Graytown Road to Haight Cross. Based on the City of Schertz Engineering Department review, Staff supports the applicant’s request to not comply at the time of platting with the UDC requirements to construct a portion of sidewalks to the proposed subdivision. 

Therefore, staff is recommending approval of the Graytown Unit 1A final plat and the associated waiver in relation to sidewalks.
Planning Department Recommendation  
X Approve as submitted
  Approve with conditions*
* While the Commission can impose conditions; conditions should only be imposed to meet requirements of the UDC.
The Planning and Zoning Commission is the final approval authority of the proposed final plat. In considering final action on a final plat, the Commission should consider the criteria within UDC, Section 21.12.10.D.
Aerial Map
Graytown Unit 1A- Final Plat Exhibit
Sidewalk Waiver- Engineering Department Memo
Sidewalk Waiver Exhibit

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