 July 9, 2021

A Regular Meeting was held by the Schertz City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, on July 9, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. in the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Building #4, Schertz, Texas. The following members present to-wit:
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez; Mayor Pro-Tem Jill Whittaker; Councilmember Mark Davis; Councilmember Rosemary Scott; Councilmember Michael Dahle; Councilmember David Scagliola; Councilmember Allison Heyward; Councilmember Tim Brown
Staff present:
City Manager Dr. Mark Browne; Assistant City Manager Brian James; Assistant City Manager Charles Kelm; City Attorney Daniel Santee; Assistant to the City Manager Sarah Gonzalez; Deputy City Secretary Sheila Edmondson
Chair Glen Outlaw, Commissioner Gordon Rae, Commissioner Earl Platt, Commissioner Ken Greenwald, Commissioner Richard Braud, Commissioner Ricky Haynes, Alternate Position-1 Jimmy Odom, Alternate Position-2 Judy Goldick
Call to Order

Mayor Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.

Mayor Gutierrez thanked everyone for coming in early for the Joint Workshop with City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Gutierrez moved the Hearing of the Residents portion of the agenda to after the presentation given by staff.

Mayor Gutierrez recognized City Manager Dr. Mark Browne.

City Manager Dr. Mark Browne thanked everyone for attending the Joint Workshop with City Council and Planning and Zoning. Staff's presentation addresses issues that have come up repeatedly over the years and staff is looking for some direction on how we go forward with the Comprehensive Plan and United Development Code. If we could come to some consensus with some of these issues, it would help staff.

City Manager Dr. Mark Browned recognized Assistant City Manager Brian James and Senior Planner Megan Harrison.

Assistant City Manager Brian James stated that the Workshop Goals for today's meeting:
Articulate the City's Position on:
  • Single family residential lot size
  • Single family residential development standards
  • Straing Zoning Vs. Planned Development Districts (PDD)
Philosophy with regard to amending the Unified Development Code (UDC): Where City Council and Planning and Zoning think City Staff can do better

Before the presentation began, Assistant City Manager Brian James asked City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission to really think what they liked and didn't like about certain subdivisions in the city.
Workshop Discussion Items

The copy of the complete presentation can be found in the City Secretary's office.

Senior Planner Megan Harrison started the presentation by showing a series of photos and plats of several neighborhoods in the city to give City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission an example of the variety of housing in the city. She pointed out the differences of the lot of sizes, big side yard setbacks, street widths, cars parking on streets, garage set further from the street, well-kept lawns/landscaping and location of sidewalks.

Willow Grove Estates Unit 1
Willow Grove Subdivision Unit 1
The Crossvine Module 1, Unit 2
Belmont Park Subdivision Unit 8

Assistant City Manager Brian James asked if the photos helped to identify what you like and don't like in the subdivisions. He discussed the following topics:
  • Big side yard setbacks-feels more comfortable and open, not constricted, allows for more parking on the street too.
  • Feels better to have fewer cars parked on the street-fewer instances of cars parked across from each other on both sides
  • Having the garage set further from the street
  • Well-kept lawns/landscaping
  • Location of sidewalk (adjacent to ROW or 2" landscape area)
What are the minimum standards in some Schertz neighborhoods?
  • Willow Grove Estates and Willow Grove are both nice, but Willow Grove Estates had bigger lots and had a good feel about them, although the lot sizes standards are the same
  • Crossvine-the tone is set by the wide boulevard feel coming in and low fences that set a tone for a wide open feel despite having smaller side yard setback
Assistant City Manager Brian James asked everyone to keep a few things in mind and balance factors with what we want as an outcome.
  • Cars parked on the street. Which neighborhood don't have that?
  • Developers have to be aware of costs-land cost, infrastructure costs, amenity costs, lot yield, lot price, city development standards, fees, etc., so they can't do it all
  • Affordability-home prices going up in the region. What do we consider affordable?
  • Which neighborhoods are negatively impacted by too much signage
  • Does planting three trees matter?
  • Does everyone understand what the City requires vs. what developers just do on their own? Masonry on houses for example
  • Provide a park or just pay a fee-no open space required
Minimum residential lot sizes
  • The smallest single-family detached lot size currently allowed by the UDC is 8,400 sq.ft (70'X120')
  • Most developers have indicated an 8,400 sq. ft. minimum lot requirement is not viable for their development type
  • We have used the PDD to allow a variety of lot sizes- under this process we haven't held firm on an overall mean lot size of 8,400 sq. ft.
  • But if we create a new zoning district, would that be the minimums?
Assistant City Manager Brian James asked, are the concerns staff hear a function of how we live and if we changed the regulations are we going to get the results we want? There are no right or wrong answers to these concerns, they are competing interests of what residents and that is why Staff struggles with these concerns.

Straight zoning vs. PDD: Assistant City Manager Brian James asked are there any likes and dislikes that anyone might have that Staff has overlooked.

Mayor Gutierrez, City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission discussed and had questions and comments about the following:
  • HOA Parks- current and new subdivisions
  • Current subdivisions in the City: Historical, Established and upcoming new subdivisions
  • Landscaping
  • Set-backs and side setbacks for new development
  • Street widths/cars parked on streets
  • Coving
  • Setting design and building standards
  • Tree Mitigation Program

Assistant City Manager Brian James discussed the affordability factor of subdivisions and if we can regulate that. The affordability and sustainability factor of homes in the city needs to be considered on what we want to be as a community down the road. He showed some slides with the home values and median home costs in the area. The prices of homes and materials are going up. Staff came up with a few parameters of a new Zoning District.

Recommended Staff Suggestion for a New Zoning District:
  • 65' X 115'
  • 7,475 min. sq. ft.
  • 10' side
  • 20' rear
  • 25' front
  • Impervious coverage-what do we care as long as they account for detention/drainage
  • Lot coverage for structure maximum-we don't currently regulate it directly-sort of with impervious coverage
Straight Zoning vs. PDD
  • If we were to create a new zoning district or simply require developers to meet the R-2 zoning district minimums and add some additional development standards, can we move away from doing PDD's generally?
  • Potential new development standards:
  • Curvilinear street requirement
  • Community mailbox parking bump out
  • Minimum required usable open space (could get parkland credits) if no city park
Mayor Gutierrez, City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission discussed and had comments and questions about the following:
  • Straight Zoning vs PDD- time, costs, advantages and disadvantages to both
  • PDD standards
  • SUP-current requirements-Site Plan-keep or remove
  • Tree Mitigation Program- update the program and address mitigation fees
Hearing of Residents

This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the City Council. Each person should fill out the speaker’s register prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes.

David Gleeson, 707 Prestionshire Lane, Dallas TX, 75225, is one of the owners of The Learning Experience and daycare and preschool going to be built on FM 3009. It is 1.8 acres and one third of land open hope to be here soon with site plan. Mr. Gleeson is appreciative that the Tree Mitigation codes are being discussed and reviewed.

Mayor Gutierrez requested a subcommittee consisting of approx. 5 members (City Council, PZ and Staff) to meet and bring back some recommendations to the City Council at the Tuesday, July 27, 2021 meeting. Topics for discussion and review: New Zoning District, PDD standards and Tree Mitigation.

Mayor Guiterrez adjourned the meeting at 11:08 am.
Ralph Gutierrez, Mayor

Sheila Edmondson
Deputy City Secretary

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