 July 1, 2021

A Special Workshop Session with the Schertz Housing Authority was held by the Schertz City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas, on July 1, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. in the Hal Baldwin Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Building #4, Schertz, Texas. The following members present to-wit:
Mayor Ralph Gutierrez; Mayor Pro-Tem Jill Whittaker; Councilmember Mark Davis; Councilmember David Scagliola; Councilmember Allison Heyward; Councilmember Tim Brown
Councilmember Rosemary Scott; Councilmember Michael Dahle
Staff present:
Assistant City Manager Brian James; Assistant to the City Manager Sarah Gonzalez; Deputy City Secretary Sheila Edmondson
Cristi LaJeunesse, Executive Director; Debbie Villarreal, Deputy Director; Cindy Mackechney, Public Housing Manager; Len Weinand, Chairperson; Brian Edgington, Vice Chairperson; Dana Eldridge, Commissioner; John Meyer, Commissioner; Valinda Brooks, Commissioner
Call to Order

Mayor Ralph Gutierrez called the meeting to order at 8:30 am and recognized Schertz Housing Authority and Chair Len Weinand.

Chair Len Weinand thanked the Mayor and City Council for the opportunity to have this Joint Workshop Session with the Schertz Housing Authority. Chair Weinand wanted to introduce the Schertz Housing Authority and share with the City Council what they do and what they bring to the community. He stated that his first introduction to the Schertz Housing Authority was when Schertz Mayor Michael Carpenter asked him to serve on the board years ago, and he has been there since. Chair Weinand thanked the City for their support asked the Schertz Housing Authority Board to come to the podium and introduce themselves.

Schertz Housing Authority Board of Commissioners:

Mr. Brian Edgington, Vice Chair, thanked the City Council for this opportunity to have this joint meeting. He wanted to let the City know how appreciative the Schertz Housing Authority is with the City's support and partnership. Mr. Edgington is looking forward to growing together to make the city better.

Ms. Valinda Brooks, Commissioner has been with the Schertz Housing Authority for the last year and seven months. She has learned so much about the housing needs of the community. Ms. Brooks is a retired businesswoman and nurse and wants to serve the community. Ms. Brooks looks forward to working hand in hand with the City to make this a better place.

Mr. John Meyer, Commissioner is newly retired and is a full time real estate investor. He has been on the Schertz Housing Authority Board for almost three years. Mr. Meyer appreciates the City working with the Schertz Housing Authority Board to make the city better. He is happy to be part of the community and looking forward to helping out.

Mr. Dana Eldridge, Commissioner has served on the Schertz Housing Authority Board for approximately six years. The Schertz Housing Authority has done so many good things since he has been on the Board.

Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse, Schertz Housing Authority introduced herself and her staff:

Deputy Director Debbie Villarreal, Schertz Housing Authority
Public Housing Manager Cindy Mackechney, Schertz Housing Authority
Hearing of Residents

This time is set aside for any person who wishes to address the City Council. Each person should fill out the speaker’s register prior to the meeting. Presentations should be limited to no more than 3 minutes.

All remarks shall be addressed to the Council as a body, and not to any individual member thereof. Any person making personal, impertinent, or slanderous remarks while addressing the Council may be requested to leave the meeting.

There were no residents to speak at this time.
  • Discussion regarding the Schertz Housing Authority Mission and Goals
Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse gave a Powerpoint on the Schertz Housing Authority's Mission and Goals.

Funding for the Schertz Housing Authority comes from: Operating Subsidy, Capital Fund Program Subsidy (CFP), Rents, Total PHA, Funding/Cost Per Unit Per Month and Section Housing Funding.

The Public Housing Expense 2020:
  • Administration- $160,099- 28%
  • Maintenance-$240,062-42%
  • Contracts-$86,563-15%
  • Utilities-$84,549-15%
Public Housing Demographics
  • Elderly / Disabled Property
  • 76 public housing units
  • 82 public housing residents
  • Age Range-31 to 92 yrs
  • Income range (annual) $1,785- $24,205
  • Tent Rent- $50-605 per month/ Collections avg. 99%
Section 8 Demographics
  • Total Voucher available: 153
  • Currently leased: 147
  • Incoming Portable Vouchers: 8
  • Outgoing Portable Vouchers: 2
  • Total family/members served: 305, 137 are dependents
  • Average income: $13,432
  • Range of Tenant Rent: 0-$1,282
  • Range of Rent Paid to Owner by Housing Authority: $92-$2,411
Mayor Pro-Tem Whittaker asked about if the persons who are applying with the Schertz Housing Authority live in Schertz or want to live in Schertz. Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse explained that if someone who lives in New York can apply with the Schertz Housing Authority and if they receive a voucher, they are committing to live in Schertz for a year. If an out-of-state person has a voucher, they can "port" or bring their voucher to live in the city. The Schertz Housing Authority works with Universal City, Converse, Cibolo, Schertz and Selma to find available housing.
Waiting List Public Housing Program
  • One Bedroom-80 families
  • Two Bedroom-9 families
Average move outs in last 12 months-7 families. This has been higher than previous years due to COVID.
Average move outs in last 12 months for Yoakum-10 families (94 units)
Average move outs in last 12 months for Kennedy-24 families (72 units)
These are properties of similar size and are mixed population, elderly/disabled and families
Waiting List Section 8 Voucher Program
  • 38 families
  • 6 of these families have been offered vouchers to find housing
  • The waiting list will open in mid-July for one month for the Section 8 program
  • We anticipate over 200 applications during that time.
  • Annual Gross income at our below low income level
  • Determined at County or Metropolitan area
  • Low income limit 80% of meidan income
  • Very low income limit 50% of meidan income
  • Extremely low income limit is 305 of median income
  • https//
  • US Citizenship or eligible immigrant status-one member must qualify and have social security number
  • Elderly, disabled and family-elderly and/or disabled qualify for additional allowances
Must prohibit admission(24 CFR Part 5.854-5.857)
  • Member evicted from federally assisted housing withing the previous three years
  • Currently engaged in illegal drug use
  • Members abuse alcohol interferes with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the others
  • Lifetime registered sex offender
Suitability! Not the Same as Eligible
  • Past rental history
  • Credit history
  • Additional criminal screening criteria
Public Housing/ Low Rent
  • Local Government Entity-owned and operated by Housing Authority
  • Applicant Income may not exceed 80% of meidan income
  • Housing Authority may have local preference setting income limit lower
  • PHA is the landlord and enforces the lease
Housing Choice Voucher
  • Income typically may not exceed 50% of median income for area
  • Family portion of rent may not exceed 40% of monthly adjusted income at move in
  • Choice! Portable voucher
  • Housing Authority does not own the unit (typically)
  • Owner or managing agent enforces the lease
Income? What Counts
Rent is determined by total gross income received less allowable deductions
  • Elderly/ disabled family ($400)
  • Dependent deduction ( $480)
  • Medical expense (Elderly/Disabled family only)
  • Disability expense
  • Childcare
Contracting Costs

Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse stated that one of the largest challenges the Schertz Housing Authority has is with the system of hiring a contractor in the City of Schertz. Current building codes require a licensed contractor for certain work, and they would prefer to use their maintenance staff to do the repairs to save money.

Chair Len Weinand wanted the City Council to understand that the little money Schertz Housing Authority has, they would like to spend it on the residents, not on contractors.

Coming Soon: The Schertz Housing Authority will be creating a Public Facility Corporation that will eventually be a non-profit organization in the future.

Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse wanted to thank the City Council for their support and appreciates Councilmember Mark Davis for being the Schertz City Council Liaison.

Mayor Gutierrez thanked Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse for her presentation and opened the meeting up to City Council.

Mayor Pro-Tem Whittaker asked City Staff, what is the ordinance that prohibits the use of the Schertz Housing Authority maintenance staff to do the work themselves?

Assistant City Manager Brian James stated that the Building Codes do allow some exceptions for maintenance staff to do work on their properties. He would like to have a sit down meeting with the Schertz Housing Authority and City Staff to discuss their concerns and the current building codes and identify what work could be done by their maintenance staff vs. a contractor

Councilmember Mark Davis felt it was very important that the City Council and Schertz Housing Authority Board meet. He wanted the City Council to have a good understanding of the Housing Authority’s roles and responsibilities. Councilmember Mark Davis asked Assistant City Manager Brian James if the requirement for a resident to have a licensed contractor to do a repair, is the government entity held to the same requirement?

Assistant City Manager Brian James stated these governing agencies do have to follow the building codes, however the codes have provisions for maintenance staff of facilities that employ licensed personnel that can do the work in-house. Once we sit down with the Schertz Housing Authority, we can distinguish what work will need a licensed contractor and what work does not.

Councilmember Mark Davis asked for clarification if the Schertz Housing Authority chose a licensed contractor that isn't registered with the city, what would the requirement be for the licensed contractor to work in the city.

Assistant City Manager Brian James explained the city would verify the contractor's license with the state, show proof of the insurance requirements and then that contractor can pull the proper permits.

Mayor Ralph Gutierrez and City Council stated they appreciate everything the Housing Authority and the Board does for the community. Mayor Ralph Gutierrez was thankful for all the information provided in the PowerPoint which was quite informative.

Topics that Schertz Housing Authority would like to discuss include:
  • Work that requires a licensed contractor vs. work that can be done by the Schertz Housing Authority Maintenance Staff
  • State Insurance requirements: Licensed contractor's insurance, the Schertz Housing Authority’s insurance
  • Current Building Codes concerning General Contractor requirements
  • Clarification: City’s licensed contractor list vs. a preferred contractor list
Assistant City Manager Brian James believes a meeting with the Schertz Housing Authority will help answer specific building code questions they may have and address all the concerns they brought up today.

Mayor Gutierrez again thanked Executive Director Cristi LaJeunesse and the Schertz Housing Authority Board for making a big difference in our community.

Mayor Gutierrez adjourned the meeting at 10:07 am.
Ralph Gutierrez, Mayor

Sheila Edmondson, Deputy City Secretary

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